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苏打粉 中文名: 苏打粉 英文名: baking soda 英文简写: b.s 分类: 膨大剂 苏打粉又称『小苏打』、『梳打粉』或『重曹』, 化学名为『碳酸氢钠』, 英文名 baking soda,简称b.s,也是西点膨大剂的一种。它是一种易溶于水的白色碱性粉末,在与水结合后开始起作用释出二氧化碳co2,在酸性液体中(如果汁)反应更快,而随着环境温度升高,释出气体的作用愈快。苏打粉在作用后会残留重碳酸钠,使用过多会使成品有碱味。苏打粉与油脂直接混合时,也会产生皂化,强烈的肥皂味会影响西点的香气和品质,使用时需留意。 苏打粉也经常被用来做为中和剂,例如巧克力蛋糕。巧克力为酸性,大量使用时会使西点带有酸味,因此可使用少量的苏打粉做为膨大剂并且也中和其酸性,同时,"苏打粉也有使巧克力加深颜色的效果,使它看起来更黑亮″。西点中加入"过量″的苏打粉,除了使西点有上述破坏风味或导致碱味太重的结果,食用后会使人有『心悸、嘴唇发麻、短暂失去味觉』等征状。






2,求一首英文歌曲歌曲调子好像和传奇一样好像有句是When will

Fairy Tale 传奇英文版 迈克学摇滚 It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face You only had to look at me and I was yours And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen You had walked a way and closed the door When will i see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star start to shine When will i know that you mine Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine And when we were both a thousand years away Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light And did we make every minute last another day That cold December night I gave my heart to you And by the summer you were gone Now as the days grow old and all the stars start to dim All I have are memories and this song When will I see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star to shine When will i know that you mine It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face


legend of mir


legend of mir

1.先去 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=swww.67pp.com" target="_blank">www.67pp.com</a>下载热血年华提供传奇1.85服务端(全 文明,无限制)。 2.下载好先解压,然后双击setup.exe 进行安装 去d:\mirserver 3.下载dbc2000。 4.安装dbcommander 2000 pro 5.打开控制面板 6.打开bde administrator. 点击 object, new. 7.选择standard点击ok. 8.在左面的面版你可以看到standard1,改名为herodb 在右边的面版如下 type standard default driver paradox enable bcd false path 修改为 type standard default driver paradox enable bcd false path d:\mirserver\mud2\db 在左边的面版右键点击herodb选择apply. 8.下载传奇客户端然后安装。 9.在 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=swww.xp13.com" target="_blank">www.xp13.com</a>下载传奇万能登陆器2008年。 10.打开快捷方式游戏控制器。 11.配置向导里面只有两项需要修改 a.游戏服务器名称 (改成你自己的游戏名字) b.游戏ip地址 单机测试就改127.0.0.1 如果是外网测试就改成你的外面ip 建议ip先改单机的(单机的意思就是本机安装游戏服务器,然后本机进入游戏), 等单机能进游戏了,在去研究外网吧! 以上两项设置好以后就点下一步,一直点到最后,点保存。 12.启动游戏服务器。 13.在m2server按控制启动打开网关。 14.打开传奇万能登陆器然后添加写你的服务器名称等等。 15.顺利进入游戏。

4,鲁道夫鹿鼻子 英文版的

ti:红鼻子鹿] [by:] [00:00.00] [00:07.36]Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 鲁道夫,这头长着红鼻子的驯鹿 [00:10.97]Had a very shiny nose 有个闪闪发光的漂亮鼻子 [00:13.40] [00:14.42]if you ever saw it 如果你曾有幸目睹 [00:18.06]You would even say it glows 你甚至会说它在闪烁 [00:21.63]All of the other reindeers 所有其他的驯鹿 [00:25.25]Used to laugh call him names 曾经嘲笑鲁道夫,只呼其名 [00:27.75] [00:28.81]They never let poor Rudolph 它们从不许鲁道夫 [00:32.47]Join in any reindeer games 加入它们任何的游戏 [00:35.02] [00:36.03]Then one foggy Christmas Eve 那是一个大雾弥漫的圣诞夜 [00:39.74]Santa came to say 圣诞老人降临了,他说 [00:42.02] [00:43.25]Rudolph with your nose so bright 可爱的孩子鲁道夫你长着这么闪亮的鼻子 [00:46.78]Won t you guide my sleigh to night? 为什么今晚不来引导我的雪橇 [00:50.44]Then all the reindeers loved him 从那以后所有的驯鹿都羡慕它 [00:54.04]they shouted out with glee 它们兴奋地呼喊 [00:57.63]Rudolph the red-nose reindeer 红鼻子的鲁道夫 [01:01.25]You ll go down in history 你会被载入史册 [01:04.73]You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, 你知道Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen [01:10.38]Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. [01:15.77]But do you recall 但是,你还记得 [01:19.14]The most famous reindeer of all? 其中最有名的驯鹿 [01:23.36]Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 鲁道夫,这头长着红鼻子的驯鹿 [01:26.87]Had a very shiny nose 有个闪闪发光的漂亮鼻子 [01:30.40]if you ever saw it 如果你曾有幸目睹 [01:34.04]You would even say it glows 你甚至会说它在闪烁 [01:36.62] [01:37.65]All of the other reindeers 所有其他的驯鹿 [01:40.17] [01:41.24]Used to laugh call him names 曾经嘲笑鲁道夫,只呼其名 [01:44.83]They never let poor Rudolph 它们从不许鲁道夫 [01:48.43]Join in any reindeer games 加入它们任何的游戏 [01:52.03]Then one foggy Christmas Eve 那是一个大雾弥漫的圣诞夜 [01:55.57]Santa came to say 圣诞老人降临了,他说 [01:58.01] [01:59.21]Rudolph with your nose so bright 可爱的孩子鲁道夫你长着这么闪亮的鼻子 [02:02.77]Won t you guide my sleigh to night? 为什么今晚不来引导我的雪橇 [02:06.32]Then all the reindeers loved him 从那以后所有的驯鹿都羡慕它 [02:09.98]they shouted out with glee 它们兴奋地呼喊 [02:13.60]Rudolph the red-nose reindeer 红鼻子的鲁道夫 [02:17.16]You ll go down in history 你会被载入史册 [02:22.68]


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